Miller Training In-House: New Products and Industrial Safety
Remington Walk (Miller Electric), Bob Hankel (Weld Training Lab Manager), Blair Haverstraw (Welding Process Engineer), Ron Gross (Miller Electric), Don Knight (Miller Electric)
Dale Wilton, CEO, pronounced our latest in-house training program a major success. From the top down, Central Welding Supply is committed to welding education to guarantee there’s expert knowledge at every location on the newest products and latest technology.
Meggin Dooley (Miller Electric) and Remington Walk (Miller Electric)
48 Central Welding Supply staff members from locations throughout our North/South territories completed the Miller/Hobart training program over June 15, 16, and 17, 2021.
The event was planned, organized, and executed by Bob Hankel, Weld Training Lab Manager, Auburn, WA and Blair Haverstraw, Engr. CWI, Weld Process Engineer, Bellingham, WA. This is a second big start for the Weld Training Lab that officially launched in February 2020, then had to wait for the end of COVID restrictions. Bob and Blair were the “hands on” to get the speakers and equipment, configure the welding stations, as well as prepare the classroom for the presentations.
Jennifer Haynes (Pferd), Robert McVicker (Renton Store manager), Jason Hill (Auburn Assistant Manager), Remington Walk (Miller Electric)
The Daily Agenda…
The Miller/Hobart New Product Training was carried out in half-day sessions over 3 days.
Classroom Training: Sessions began with new product training by Remington Walk, Product Specialist Pacific Northwest/Welding Engineer, Miller Electric.
Hands-On, Weld Training Lab: 40 minutes rotations through 4 Welding Stations
Station 1: Remington Walk, Miller Electric
Deltaweld 350 with Dual Intelex Feeder with New, FabCOR Edge XP filler metals from HobartStation 2: Don Knight, Miller Electric
Alumamfeed System: Hobart 5356, 100% Argon, PulseStation 3: Ron Gross, Miller Electric
Syncrowave 300, AC Tig (Aluminum), DC Tig (Stainless Steel)Station 4: Bob Hankel, Blair Haverstraw (Weld Training Lab Team)
Trailblazer 325 with WIC, ArcReach 12 Feeder, 75/25 Gas, New FabCO Triple 7 Flux Core
Classroom Training: Industrial Safety
Meggin Dooley, Welding Safety Solution Manager for Miller Electric, closed the sessions each day with a presentation on Industrial Safety.
Attendees rated the program as an outstanding hands-on training program by Miller professionals and Central Welding Supply presenters alike. Bob Hankel and Blair Havershaw received extra points for demonstrating welding process application and welding skills, along with new equipment operation. Miller professionals were impressed with the resource of our training facilities.
Meggin Dooley, Welding Safety Solutions Manager, Miller Electric, said, “Now I see why your sales numbers reflect positive growth.” As a Safety Professional, Meggin was grateful the comprehensive training agenda, gave her a platform to emphasis the important topic of welding safety. All attendees were eager to return to their stores with new skills and product knowledge to serve the customer.
When you consider the latest advances in technology for your business, our ongoing training effort means there’s someone in every store who already knows first hand how the product works. “Hands-on” is the best way to know what the benefits of new technology REALLY mean to YOUR business.
Dale notes that training together is also a team-building effort. When experts work shoulder to shoulder, you form the team with the highest end-points for each specific process and application. The expert behind the counter is connected to dozens more. Together, they find the answers you need for nearly every welding application.
The Weld Training Lab has a bright future with plans to expand programs as well as serve as a facility for welding research. Behind the scenes it’s already in operation to help the customer find ways to meet demanding specifications.
Ronay Gibson (Smokey Point Manager), outfitted for safety in the proper welding PPE.
CONGRATULATIONS to Bob, Blair, and the whole group of participants who went home with some new welding expertise, and some new tricks to share with you.
And, Thank You to the professionals from Miller Electric, for providing equipment on-site, and for sharing all the details and providing the professional training materials.
Complete List of Presenters:
Remington Walk, Product Specialist Pacific Northwest/Welding Engineer, Miller Electric
Bob Hankel, Weld Training Lab Manager, Central Welding Supply
Blair Haverstraw, Welding Process Engineer, Central Welding Supply
Ron Gross, District Manager, Miller Electric Mfg. Co.
Don Knight, District Manager, Miller Electric Mfg. Co.
Meggin Dooley, Western Regional Welding Safety Solution Manager for Miller Electric
Contact our EXPERT staff at ANY of our 27 locations in Washington, Oregon, and Alaska, whenever there’s a question or specification that needs an answer from someone who knows. There’s 1,000 years of combined expertise on staff, ready to serve you. We PREPARE for Excellent Customer Service!